Report to the Region

April - June 2020

Message from the Chair

Gary HardgraveOur last quarterly report in April 2020 discussed Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. My message at the time noted this response is measured and aims to mitigate the immediate impacts (Survive), ensure as a country and throughout our communities we have the resilience to recover (Revive) and are best positioned to ensure the crisis is not wasted as we emerge with a renewed focus and a commitment to Australia’s economic and social well-being (Thrive).

Since April, pressure for growth and sustainability in the Region has increased with the national call to cushion the impacts of COVID-19, including providing the necessary support so people can get through the difficult times ahead. There is a focus on small and medium-sized businesses, sole traders and income support for those most directly impacted by the economic downturn.

While the focus of the country is on COVID-19, your RDA will continue its efforts to ensure the voice of the Logan and Redlands Region is heard. RDA Logan & Redlands has a determined corporate goal to ensure the Region will be at the centre of economic and employment growth for South East Queensland, statewide Queensland and Australia wide.

The Logan and Redlands Region lies in an east/west arc across the southern boundary of the City of Brisbane and at the northern boundary of the Gold Coast and Scenic Rim Local Government Areas. The Region is at the heart of growth, transport, logistics, light manufacturing and suburban expansion in South East Queensland. This makes the Region one of the most dynamic, high growth regions of Australia.

The Logan and Redlands Region has substantial economic opportunity but unrealised potential in the areas of Health Care and Social Assistance; Advanced Manufacturing; Infrastructure; Transport, Logistics and Warehousing; Education and Training; Professional Services; Tourism; and Research. The opportunity exists to translate this capacity into sustainable economic growth for the Region.

The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has recently appointed me as independent Chair of the Inland Rail Kagaru to Acacia Ridge and Bromelton (K2ARB) Community Consultative Committee. I have been a member of the Committee since 2018 and championed opportunities for the Logan and Redlands Region from the Inland Rail’s development, construction and operation. I look forward to continuing this role as Chair.

There is still much to be done and, as always, I encourage all in the community to contact me or our director Steve McDonald to discuss topics of interest.

If there is any information you wish to draw to the attention of the RDA in relation to the above, please send it to office@rdaloganandredlands.org.au

The Hon. Gary Hardgrave
Regional Development Australia Logan & Redlands

Information businesses need to know about COVID-19 initiatives
Inland Rail: Kagaru to Acacia Ridge and Bromelton (K2ARB)
Opportunities for Economic Growth
Think Local
Minjerribah Futures
Local Chambers of Commerce
Inaugural Redlands Coast Expo
Building Partnerships
Funding Opportunities
Invitation to Action