Our last quarterly report in April 2020 discussed Australia’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. My message at the time noted this response is measured and aims to mitigate the immediate impacts (Survive), ensure as a country and throughout our communities we have the resilience to recover (Revive) and are best positioned to ensure the crisis is not wasted as we emerge with a renewed focus and a commitment to Australia’s economic and social well-being (Thrive).
Since April, pressure for growth and sustainability in the Region has increased with the national call to cushion the impacts of COVID-19, including providing the necessary support so people can get through the difficult times ahead. There is a focus on small and medium-sized businesses, sole traders and income support for those most directly impacted by the economic downturn.
While the focus of the country is on COVID-19, your RDA will continue its efforts to ensure the voice of the Logan and Redlands Region is heard. RDA Logan & Redlands has a determined corporate goal to ensure the Region will be at the centre of economic and employment growth for South East Queensland, statewide Queensland and Australia wide.
The Logan and Redlands Region lies in an east/west arc across the southern boundary of the City of Brisbane and at the northern boundary of the Gold Coast and Scenic Rim Local Government Areas. The Region is at the heart of growth, transport, logistics, light manufacturing and suburban expansion in South East Queensland. This makes the Region one of the most dynamic, high growth regions of Australia.
The Logan and Redlands Region has substantial economic opportunity but unrealised potential in the areas of Health Care and Social Assistance; Advanced Manufacturing; Infrastructure; Transport, Logistics and Warehousing; Education and Training; Professional Services; Tourism; and Research. The opportunity exists to translate this capacity into sustainable economic growth for the Region.
The Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) has recently appointed me as independent Chair of the Inland Rail Kagaru to Acacia Ridge and Bromelton (K2ARB) Community Consultative Committee. I have been a member of the Committee since 2018 and championed opportunities for the Logan and Redlands Region from the Inland Rail’s development, construction and operation. I look forward to continuing this role as Chair.
There is still much to be done and, as always, I encourage all in the community to contact me or our director Steve McDonald to discuss topics of interest.
If there is any information you wish to draw to the attention of the RDA in relation to the above, please send it to office@rdaloganandredlands.org.au
The Hon. Gary Hardgrave
Regional Development Australia Logan & Redlands
Logan and Redlands residents and businesses can get the latest information on COVID-19 at these links:
The Prime Minister's Media Statements
Federal Government's information entry point for details of COVID-19 and support for business
Smart Traveller information & advice
Logan City Council COVID-19 Resources
Redland City Council COVID-19 Resources
Each of these sites provide links that navigate to other relevant sites.
The COVIDSafe app speeds up contacting people exposed to the COVID-19. This helps health officials support and protect Australian communities. The app is available from the Apple App Store and Google Play.
Due to COVID-19, the 5 May 2020 meeting of the K2ARB Community Consultative Committee was postponed. Arrangements for the next meeting on 3 August 2020 are well advanced with details as follows:
3 August 2020
6pm to 8pm
Algester Sports Club, 41 Endiandra Street Algester
Due to COVID-19 restrictions, limited seating is available. Observers must register to attend by Thursday 30 July 2020 by emailing inlandrailqld@artc.com.au. Registration will be confirmed if seating is available. Persons who are not registered will not be admitted.
The option of livestreaming the meeting is being investigated so people are still able to observe the meeting online if a seat is not available at the venue.
Despite the impacts of COVID-19 the Committee is continuing to actively engage with its community and stakeholders, via the ARTC website, social media, email and telephone. The project team can be contacted on 1800 732 761 and via email at inlandrailqld@artc.com.au.
Current information relating to key dates, publications and the project timeline is available at inlandrail.artc.com.au/K2ARB. The Chair’s summary from each of the previous meetings of the Committee are available here.
South East Queensland and adjacent areas are served by several Regional Development Australia Committees including for:
These RDAs have been meeting regularly over the past month to understand the COVID-19 impact across the South East Queensland Region. On 14 July 2020 the RDAs met in Toowoomba to focus on the broader South East Queensland region.
Off the back of a strong local buying trend throughout the pandemic, Logan and Redland City Councils are continuing to work on buy local strategies across the region.
The Think Local, Buy Logan campaign was launched on 13 July 2020. Promotion of the ‘Get Local’ Small Business Digital Marketing Program is continuing which aims to help businesses increase their visibility to local customers and provides practical tools for digital marketing and content creation.
The Reconnecting to the Redlands Coast initiative has been launched and targets promoting the region to South East Queensland residents. Details of this initiative and information about opportunities in the Redlands are available at www.redlandscoast.com.au.
The work of the Minjerribah Futures Reference Group has been continuing throughout the pandemic. Details of Minjerribah Futures are available at here.
With much anticipation, the Reference Group is planning for a meeting on 18 August 2020.
The Logan and Redlands Region is served by the following Chambers of Commerce:
Throughout the pandemic these organisations have provided information and advice on the impacts of the pandemic on the Logan and Redlands Region. They have been critical sources of intelligence and have represented their constituents’ needs through participation on key regional groups in partnership with governments at all levels.
The 2020 Redlands Coast Business & Retail Awards are now open. Details are available at www.redlandbarawards.com.
The Straddie Chamber of Commerce and RDA Logan & Redlands jointly hosted a webinar for business which included presentations on behalf of:
The Logan Chamber of Commerce will be holding a Post-COVID Breakfast on 5 August 2020 from 7am to 9am with Minister Shannon Fentiman (Minister for Employment and Small Business and Minister for Training and Skills Development) sharing her insights on the Post-COVID recovery. For catering purposes bookings are essential and can be made here.
The Logan Regional Chamber of Commerce is holding a Joint Chamber Breakfast on 16 September 2020 at 6.45am focusing on Mental Health with Angry Anderson. Bookings can be made here.
The Redland City Council, Redlands Coast Chamber of Commerce; RDA Logan & Redlands and local business industry groups are working together to host the Recovery Redlands Coast Business and Jobs Expo. Currently, details are:
19 November 2020
10am to 4pm
Alexandra Hills Hotel and Conference Centre
Cnr Finucane and McDonald Roads, Alexandra Hills
The Expo will help businesses recover as well as provide pathways for people who need to redirect into new training and employment opportunities. 100 expo stands have already been booked.
Subsidised stands may be available if your business has been greatly impacted by the pandemic. Apply here.
Entry is by a gold coin donation with tickets available here.
In April 2020, RDA Logan & Redlands:
In May 2020, RDA Logan & Redlands:
In June 2020, RDA Logan & Redlands:
Met with the National Disability Services
The RDA accesses intelligence through its membership of the Minjerribah Futures Reference Group (Queensland Department of Innovation and Tourism Industry Development) and the Redlands Regional Jobs Committee (Redlands Coast Chamber of Commerce).
In addition, regular communications are maintained with:
When searching for funding, keep in mind that you’ll generally need to meet certain criteria to be eligible. Aside from funding assistance, many programs can help your business by building your skills and knowledge.
GrantConnect [Aust Govt]
GrantConnect publishes forecast and current Australian Government grant opportunities and grants awarded.
Grants Finder [Qld Govt]
Find a grant or assistance in Queensland including information on grants, rebates, loans, subsidies or training.
The Australian Government's business.gov.au site has information on grants and assistance for business from all levels of Government.
Austrade Export Grants
The Export Market Development Grants scheme is a financial assistance program for aspiring and current exporters.
Advance Queensland
Are you an innovator? Browse the range of grants and assistance from Advance Queensland for startups and entrepreneurs.
Logan City Council
Logan City Council offers a range of grants to community organisations, individuals, clubs and services.
Redland City Council
Redland City Council provides grants and sponsorship to individuals and organisations for projects that benefit the local community.
More details are available at our funding portal here.
We are here to work for the Logan and Redlands Region. We welcome being contacted on any issue any member of the community wishes to raise. Please feel free to directly contact us with your comment at admin@rdaloganandredlands.org.au